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Self ligation and Treatment Efficiency Putting the Facts to Perspective
Updated: 18 Apr 2014


Dr.N.R.Krishnaswamy currently holds the position of Vice Principal, Professor and Head, Dept of Orthodontics, Ragas Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai. He obtained his bachelor degree at the Govt. Dental College, Chennai and earned his Masters Degree from KMC Manipal. He acquired his fellowship in Orthodontics from the Royal College of Surgeons( M Orth), Edinburgh and is a Diplomate of the Indian board of Orthodontics (DIBO) and also a Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Sciences(Dip NB). He was awarded the scholarship of the International Scientific Exchange Fund of the Japan Dental Association which led to clinical training at Tsurumi University Yokohama, Japan. He has several awards winning presentations to his credit and has won the Presidential Trophy for the Best Clinical Paper Award of the Indian Orthodontic Society thrice and the Best Research Award two times. He has been a headline speaker at all the IOS National Conferences for almost two decades and has been invited to deliver a lecture at all IOS Post Graduate Students Convention. He has had several international presentations and has lectured extensively in Middle and Far East Countries. He has been an invited speaker at the following international conferences:
         - The 3rd National conference of The Srilankan Orthodontic Society-2010
         - The 14th National conference of The Malaysian Association of Orthodontis-2011
         - The 66th Annual conference of The Japanese Orthodontic Society -2010
         - The 4th World Federation of Orthodontist Conference, Australia.-2010
         - The 27th National conference of The Taiwanese Association of Orthodontists -2012
He was the scientific convener at the 8th APOC held in 2012
He has served as Director and Chairman of the Indian Board of Orthodontics and as President of the Indian Orthodontic Society. He was conferred the Best Teacher Award by the Tamil Nadu Dr.M. G. R Medical University in 2011.He is the recipient of the HELEN & B.F.DEWEL award for the best clinical research paper published in the AJO -DO in the year 2012 and maintains an exclusive Orthodontic practice in Chennai, India.

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